Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Distinguished Charisma in Love!

Some of my contacts from those who requested my Love Free Consulting Service (LFCS) asked me about how to build distinguished charismas to attract girls and how to build it to stay in love and succeed in marriages.

I hesitated to provide this free love consulting services to the first desirers in the first portion of the last line. They assured me through their emails that they really wanted it to get engaged in love and prepare for marriage. That was their confidence not mines. But I trusted them so I revealed some of my strategies, which worked in the late seventieth and still working too in the recent moment to proof contemporary, to help them build that distinguished charismas and stay in form -- in body and mind.

Those who requested my distinguished charisma's advices are from different generations and different countries. I am still working with them until this moment in one-on-one free love consulting processes to proof to them, how sincere I am in giving some hours from my precious time to them to build this confidentiality.

This is a distinguished charisma in itself. Or what do you think?

In a matter of few months, I'll come up with the full distinguished charisma meat, bone and peanut -- as the last one grows in my country and takes its noun, however it has a secret to whether to eat it too much or not to keep you warm. Hahaha, I make my humour works also fine to assure them we need this too to succeed in building distinguished charisma.

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Monday, September 18, 2006

My Friend’s Distinguished Charisma!

One of my friends thought a while back ago, he could build himself a distinguished charisma by acting like Sean Connery. It was funny, because the second cinema star who performs the secret agent 007 has succeeded to impose his own stylish role, though he failed to bring the magic of the original actor to the screen. And even Sean Connery himself, failed to attract that magic to the screen again in his latest performance.

I told my friend to jump it over. So, he thought of a tree! He got to one big tree we called “Laloba” to try his jump. It was funnier. He fell on his face and got his mouth full of grass. Then my friend bought himself a cap. He asked his father to let him drive his taxi at the weekend evenings, because folk are getting fuller of pleasure, and their perfume could make his father faint.

So, my friend became a cab driving full people every weekend to practice his intelligence. He got lot of stories to tell me proudly. I asked him about that charisma he wanted to build for himself.

"Just wait cowboy." He told me and added "If I collect those midnights' stories, I could possibly write about - the other side of midnight - better than Sidney Sheldon."

I believed my friend to be right, but only if he pursued his dreams. Does he build himself a distinguished charisma? Maybe. Just wait.

By the way, while I was writing about My Friend's Distinguished Charisma, I was writing at the same time 10 different mini topics like this one, to post on different blogs. No, I've not got tired yet.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Distinguished Charisma!

Well, since no body was getting back to me; I'll get to you by some more lines about this distinguished charisma.

I konw Building Distinguished Charisma is not a Utopian claim. Everybody could develop a distingished carisma. I have found here some useful sources to build anyone distinguished Charisma.

Before we go looking for these sources; if I am you, I'll begin any attempt to build distinguished carisma by defining the way I am going to formulate this carisma around, so I could perform any effort in this field better.

Interested to read more? Press the headline above.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Your Distinguished Charisma!

What does building a distinguished charisma mean to you?

Building Distinguished Carisma means lot of things to me. First of all it's a process to perform some acts better in a society, or a group, or a work place. Those acts should create or set that magnate who inhabits your inside free, so people see her/him in you.

Let me hear your opinion to continue my distinguished charisma's dialogue.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Building Distinguished Carisma!

I have found here some useful sources to build anyone distinguished Charisma.

Before we go looking for these sources; if I am you, I'll begin any attempt to build distinguished carisma by defining the way I am going to formulate this carisma around, so I could perform any effort in this field better.

My concerns might be in culture, so I am obliged first to define which kind of culture and specifically which cultural topic I want to perform this act of distinguished charisma around.

Is it in fine arts, theatre, music, poetry, fiction, critique, editorials, or any other genres of culture?

This will help me put my feet on the right run-way of my career. Then I'll start by reading more about this topic I choose to perform my distinguished carisma around.

I should come while reading with some ideas to build them their own cultural topics. I should note them on my note book. I should do this whenever I come through any inspirational item in this or that cultural topic I am reading.

I'll also take notes about those issues I disagree with them in a separate portion of that note book to write about why I disagree with such issues and what do I think the positive points to these issues should be.

Inspiring topics from those cultural items I read will build me my own cultural content.

I'll then get back to this cultural treasury to work it in my own product that could be a book, a column for a newspaper, an idea for an interview or reportage, or any thing that could be a product by itself for example.

If I am doing this offline and getting engaged with some fellows or institutional directions towards fulfilling this target, I'll also look for the most available process to maintain these efforts by an online endeavor.

Getting into this online process will also help me define some more areas of expertise since all those cultural efforts fall into publishing.

Good access to understanding a publishing process online and offline is not so far than this one mouse click at the headline. People are graduating online there. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Young Distinguished Charisma!

One of my friends is a very young girl with a young distinguished charisma.

She's brilliant, full of energy, and has a lot to do online keeping in touch with her mates. I liked her, because she paints this very pure picture in my memory, or she "may perhaps be" an echo to what I've been once while I was too young. But, hey...we didn't have Internet that time.

I am watching her move and want to organize it sincerely, because I feel she deserves my engagement in developing the way she's using the Internet.

It's only a personal note from a distinguished charisma and it's about another distinguished charisma, so you may only read it and do nothing,,,, or you may read it and let me know if you want to get into my circle of engagements.

This is the way I am using the Web to help others get and build distinguished charisma.

If you feel that you're obliged to do so submit this form at: http://www.ezine-act-politics-business-and-love.com/online-business-consulting-services.html

Monday, June 26, 2006

Italian distinguished carisma!

This is an Italian destination for distinguished charisma to go Italian today. Some people in Italy are more concerned about this specific destiny, to wave up their moderated way of thinking and living. What a pleasure to capture this information?! Could it be a theme?

Los 21 secretos para hacerse millonario: C?mo conseguir la independencia financiera

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Distinguished Carisma Blog Audio!

Well, here it's below. I was getting it working again, although I expected more than this, which could be achieved later.

Hello Distinguished Charisma Blog Visitors!

this is an audio post - click to play

Ah, Charisma!

I don't know what has happened to the second audio.

Distinguished Carisma!

Oh, yeah. I have just done an audio clip that I hope it'll be heard clearly, because I was too excited about this new technology and it seemed that there were voices from the surroundings.

Thanks to GOOGLE. I am googling pretty smart. What do you think?

Distinguished Charisma!

Seems attractive theme, though I don't know what to do with this charismatic blog which is my 17th blog.

No, just joking guys.

I know exactly what I am going to do with my Distinguished Carisma blog since there're so 16 other blogs here and some 3 blogs on other servers. So, this will be the destination for Distinguished Carisma blog to refer.